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Hooked On Her: Ice Kings, #3 Page 14

Gracious. I’m not sure this day can become more weird.

  It must be the wine that has loosened my limbs and tongue. “And yes, I suppose you can say I’ve recently moved in. You?”

  “Queen and I have been here for two years. Good place to live. Nice neighbors.”

  He flashes me a grin that shows why he’s so confident. Smooth operator comes to mind, with his handsome smile, good looks, and easy-going laid-backness he shows in the curve of his body and the way he can spark a conversation without any effort.

  And yet, I feel nothing. Nothing but perhaps a surface level attraction to a well-dressed and good looking guy who grins at me like he’s willing to happily take whatever I offer.

  I turn from him, spot Queen out of the corner of my eye, long pink tongue wagging out of her mouth. She looks like she’s smiling as she throws her front paws on a ball the size of a basketball and shoves it away from her before chasing it.

  “And I bet you’re the nicest neighbor, correct?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t say the nicest. But probably top five, top ten for sure.”

  This guy. Scott leans back along the bench, one foot kicked up over his other knee, arms thrown and draped over the back of the bench, eyes skipping between his dog and me.

  “Of course, and in a building of hundreds? You must be a friendly guy to make the top ten.”

  I don’t realize how that sounds until it’s out of my mouth, too late to suck them back but Scott’s eyes crinkle in the way that says he got it. He totally got it.

  “If you’re new here, I can show you around some. Charlotte has some great restaurants nearby.”

  Wow. Smooth operator is right. I’m flattered… and yet my stomach is unsettled.

  I don’t want to go on a date with this guy. I want to go on a date with the guy who I’ve been avoiding for twenty-four hours since he curled his hands on my shoulders and turned away from me.

  It’s possible I communicate this thought with my facial expression because Scott’s smile fades and he shakes his head. “Ah. I see. So, which one is it?”

  “Which one is what?”

  “Well, typically, and I mean this in the most sincere way possible, but most beautiful women only turn me down for one of three reasons.”

  “Wow. You are something different, aren’t you?” But this is too good to not hear. I curl my feet up beneath me until I’m sitting like a kindergartner ready for carpet time in school and cradle the glass of wine in my lap. After all, he thinks I’m beautiful. I can give him a few minutes of my time. “How about you tell me what they are and I’ll let you know if you’re right.”

  “Oh, I’m never wrong. But okay.” He glances at Queen and leans forward, wrists easily draped over his spread legs at his thighs and holds up a finger. “So, one… and it’s most obvious, is that she’s in a relationship. And before you say you are, I highly doubt this one’s your reason or else you wouldn’t have smiled back so prettily at first.”

  “I can’t be in a relationship and be kind?”

  “Rarely,” he concedes. “It happens, but women in love do polite smiles, not wide open friendly ones.”

  I consider his point. It’s ridiculous and slightly arrogant, but since I truly have no interest in him, I play along. “Point taken. And two?”

  “There’s a complication. You’re getting over an ex, starting a life over and you don’t have the time to give to a relationship right now. How am I doing so far?”

  So far, he’s two for two. There is a guy. And it’s complicated.

  I take a sip of my wine and shrug.

  “And three,” Scotts says and leans closer, still several feet away and respecting my space but close enough his mischief is stamped all over him. “Three,” he says dramatically and places his palm to his chest. “Is that you don’t date men in the building. Too complicated when we don’t work out and we have to see each other afterward. You know, when it ends in a fiery crash and we want to rip each other’s faces off instead of trying out civility.”

  “Well, wow… I’m starting to question your taste in women if that’s their response.”

  “So does my mom.”

  I laugh, throwing my head back and it feels so good. So lovely to be silly with a stranger where things aren’t complicated and there isn’t history.

  “So, which one is it?”


  “It’s my preference.”

  “All three.”

  “No.” His eyes raise like I’ve said the most scandalous thing and I again giggle, this time while refilling my wineglass. “That sounds horrific.”

  “It hasn’t been a great day, that’s for certain.”

  “Want me to kick his ass?”

  “No offense, but I’m pretty sure he could kick yours.”

  “Ouch. You are bad for my ego.”

  This guy. He’s ridiculous. “I highly doubt that.”

  I’m about to tell Scott more because sitting with him, the dog occasionally barking, the breeze helping cool the humidity and the wine warming my blood, it feels so easy.

  I’ve had so much difficult and drama lately, easy feels… well, tempting.

  The door opens to the roof, grabbing my attention and suddenly the cause of all my uneasiness from the night, and let’s face it, the decade, steps through, hands to his hips and an expression on his face I can barely make out from here that cools that fun warm feeling I’ve been having with Scott.

  “Based on the paling on your face right now, I’m assuming this guy is yours?”

  Jason’s not mine. He never has been as much as I’ve always wanted him to be. And now, I’m not sure he ever will be.

  “He’s definitely the cause of reasons one and two,” I reply.

  Scott leans in, still grinning that cocksure smile. “You’re right. He could totally kick my ass. But if he needs a good ass-kicking, I’m happy to give it a try.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  * * *

  Went to roof deck. Be back later.

  I’m surprised to find the note scribbled on the back of a receipt when I get back to my apartment. On the other hand, it’s Tessa. She knows I’ll worry about her if she’s not here even if she is pissed at me.

  I didn’t leave the bar as soon as Hendrix and I talked. I owed it to the guys to stick around and make things right. But once I bought a round of drinks for everyone, stayed long enough to pay the tab for it, I figured things were as good as they’re going to get tonight. I’ll prove my mettle to them in the morning with our early skate practice.

  There’s more pressing matters to deal with tonight. I’ve told Tessa I’ll let her take her time and figure her shit out, but the truth is… Will’s a dick and she knows it. She might feel lost right now because of what he’s done to her, but she’d already broken up with the loser and she was over him before she ever kicked his ass out. I know this because it was back on New Year’s where she told me she was unhappy. Granted, I didn’t know he was such a piece of scum then or else I would have flown her back to Toronto and kicked his ass then. In fact, it’d only made me happy that she was unhappy.

  Might make me a dick for thinking that, but I promised myself that if she ever ditched the dipstick, I’d be first in line. And if I have to be with her while she gets over her embarrassment of him stealing from her, it’s a small price to pay.

  I think of all this while I throw on a clean set of clothes. Athletic shorts and an Ice Kings gray shirt, my standard wear for when I’m at home, grab the key to my place, and head out to the rooftop.

  What I don’t expect is what I see when I reach the deck, and slowly, a red haze fills my vision.

  She might have been pissed and jealous about some designer who sucked my dick years ago, but that’s nothing compared to the sight of her looking up, laughing and smiling so easily with some guy.

  Screw being first in line. I plan on being the only guy she ever sees.

  Who knows what in the hell I’m thinking as I pro
wl across the rooftop deck straight toward her, effectively wiping off her smile before I get close enough to see her eyes sparkle.

  The guy next to her says something which makes her lips twitch and then without looking at me, he stands and grabs a leash and an ear-piercing whistle grabs a dog’s attention that’s been lying down in the dog park area, tongue lolling out of its mouth.

  “Queen! Let’s go.”

  The dog obeys faster than my dick obeys my silent commands to ignore the cute expression on Tessa’s face as she smiles at the dog.

  Perhaps that’s what I need. A puppy. A dog to always make her smile so when I’m a dumbshit she has something in the place she likes. I’ve never considered getting a pet because of how much I travel, but if Tessa’s here and she likes dogs…

  Tessa stands to her feet, brushing off her backside. “Hey. What are you doing out here?”

  “Came looking for you. Thought we could talk.”

  “I thought we’d said all there was to say.”

  I glance at the guy who, for seemingly having such an obedient dog, also seems to be struggling with getting the leash on its collar.

  I look back at Tessa and arch my brow in question. In front of this guy? Really?

  “Right,” she mutters. “Jason, this is Scott. Scott, this is Jason. My roommate.”

  “Ah.” He winks at her. Fucking winks which makes her hide her smile and turns to me, hand held out and says, “Oh shit. You’re Jason Taylor. I’m a fan, man. Nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” Shit. All I need tonight is an energetic fan. I’d be nicer but frankly, I’m kind of pissed he was so close to Tessa, making her smile. Probably flirting. He’s a good looking guy. I hate him.

  He seems to get the attitude I’m throwing off because he lets go of my hand and holds out his to Tessa. “Thanks for keeping me company tonight. I’ll see you around?”

  “Yeah. Probably. And thanks too, Scott.”

  “Not a problem.” He steps back and whistles to his dog and heads off with barely a wave in our direction.

  Once he’s gone, I turn back to Tessa but she’s crouched down, gathering her wineglass and bottle and phone, tucking her sweater over her arm.

  “I’m glad I found you out here.” She’s avoiding me, tucking her hair behind her ear and doing everything she can not to look at me. I’m pretty sure her phone screen is black even though she’s staring at it like there’s a breaking world news report.

  “I needed some fresh air.”

  Her note said as much.

  She skates around the bench on the far side of me and keeps walking toward the door. I hurry to get next to her and before she can argue, I pluck the wine bottle out of her arms where she’s cradling it. If I know her at all, as soon as we get blasted with the air conditioning she’ll be fumbling with her arms full trying to get her sweater on. Sweet, sexy Tessa in her ridiculous sweater she wears over short shorts and chest-revealing tank tops. I should have known as soon as I walked into my apartment and it wasn’t draped over my couch, she was outside. She wears the chunky thing like a robe whenever she’s inside.

  “So,” she drawls out, keeping her gaze on the door across the roof and her arms cradled over her chest. “You found me. Was there anything else you needed?”

  You. It’s on the tip of my tongue but I suck it back before I can really throw her into a tailspin. This is all my fault. Every single second and now I have no idea how to back up, start over. With all the mistakes I’ve made over the last week, it’s a wonder I’ve ever been able to get a woman to want to spend time with me. The problem is Tessa isn’t just any woman. I care about her. I want her.

  Hell, if I’m honest with myself, I’ve loved her for years. Years I spent waiting and as much as I don’t want to fuck up the possibility of us, at a minimum I’ve made the possibility of us getting started a hell of a lot more complicated.

  This girl. I laugh at her nonchalant tone. It’s the exact opposite of her defensive and protective posture as she tries to stay a step in front of me.

  “I came out here to apologize to you for last night. Thought we should talk.”

  “Which time?”


  “Which time last night are you sorry for? Being a jerk at dinner or kissing me and then walking away?”

  In all honesty, both. I’m not sure she’s ready to hear it. Not with how we left things. Go for it. You’ll regret not.

  It’s not Hendrix’s advice word for word but close enough.

  “I’m not sorry for kissing you. I’m sorry for the timing of it, though. And I should have given you the time at dinner to speak before I was a dick. So, I’m sorry.”

  She stops and spins, eyes narrowed on me. The lights from the building and on poles all over the deck give me enough light to see they’re shimmering something fierce.

  She tucks her hand behind her ear and her head tilts to the side. “So, what now?”

  I should wait until we’re back in the apartment. At least inside the building. It’s not like I can be recognized out here this late at night, and most of the people in my building are pretty cool when they see me. Hell, I have drinks with a few guys from time to time in the summer.

  It could also be smarter to wait until she feels more ready, but screw that. She was ready at least for something last night which I’ve still never given her a chance to explain. And if she needs to heal from the bullshit Will’s hand dealt her, then I’m more than happy to be at her side while she does it. But she’s sure as hell do it knowing there’s men out there—me—who would never treat her to such shit.

  I step forward, forcing her to step back until her back’s against the brick wall. It’s probably hot, maybe scratching her, but that’s not why she gasps. No, she does that because I’ve surprised her and I keep doing it by moving forward, pressing my body against hers and then slamming my mouth to hers. My free hand goes to her jaw and I tilt her head, giving me easier access and it’s exactly like the first time I took a kiss from her she wasn’t expecting.

  She tenses, hesitates, and then she surrenders with a sweet little whimper. I kiss her with abandon. I kiss her because she’s Tessa and I can’t not. Not anymore. I kiss her because she tastes like sweet wine and sunshine and my dick goes hard as I stand here, mauling her against a doorway anyone could walk out of at any moment and still I don’t stop.

  Who cares about other people when my whole world is in sight in front of me.

  I shove my thigh between her legs, and she grinds down at me, making the sexiest little sound when she does. She’s gasping. Grinding. Whimpering down my throat and holy fucking shit I am not giving her her first orgasm from me against a wall.

  Maybe another time though because she’s sexy as hell like this.

  I slow the kiss, move my leg, and wait until she chases me with her mouth as I pull back.

  “What now?” she asks, licking the taste of me off her lips. Maybe she’s sealing it in.

  “Now, we finish this in my bed.”

  She blinks. Her eyes are glossy, pupils dilated. She wants this. I can tell and yet she can’t hide her fear.

  “I’m going to take whatever you’re willing to give me, Tessa. But I’m warning you now, whatever you want to give me, I’m going to keep taking until you give me everything. You okay with that?”

  “I’m not sure what that means.”

  “It means, you want sex… I’ll give it, but you gotta know now I’m going to start digging deeper so that’s not all this keeps being.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t want just sex.”

  I kiss her and pull back before we can lose ourselves again. “Like I said. Whatever you’re willing to give, I’m taking.”

  Stepping back, I open the door to the hallway, guide her inside and I keep my hand at her back until we’re at the elevator. She shivers as we step inside the elevator when it arrives, hugging her sweater and her wineglass like it’s armor.

  Silly girl. There’s no need to protect
herself from me.

  By the time we reach the main floor where we have to switch elevators to head back up to my place, goosebumps have peppered her arms.

  “Tessa,” I say, getting her attention. As soon as we shut ourselves inside the small area, she stepped to the corner, fingers pressed to her mouth and she’s stared at the floors lighting up as we descended.


  “Put on your sweater.”

  “I’m not cold.”

  “No?” I reach out and trail my finger down her bare arm. She shivers again, this time not from the chill in the air and gapes at me. “Not cold, huh?”


  She stares back at the doors. We step out when they open and I guide her to the elevator that goes to my floor.

  Once inside, she’s so cold her teeth are chattering but I stay silent. She might be nervous. I’m hard as a rock and trying to stay in control. The last thing I want to do is mess this up now.

  Halfway up to my place, she throws on her sweater and hugs it to her.

  I grin at her.

  She scowls at me. “Shut up.”

  “I didn’t say anything.”

  “Your look says enough.”

  “Like what?”

  “That you think it’s ridiculous I can wear a sweater when it’s ninety degrees outside.”

  “Wow. That is some look I have.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  I erase the distance between us right as the elevator rings and take her hand. “And what exactly does my look say now?”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  * * *

  His look is making my lady parts stand up and want to dance the tango with abandon. Naked. With Jason. While he’s naked too.

  And holy goodness, this is actually happening. My heart has been racing since he kissed me on the rooftop and I kept space between us in the elevator only so I didn’t throw myself at him. Good Lord, the weight of him against me. It’s not the first time. It is the first time he’s pressed his thigh between my legs and created friction at my hotspot. Which is also still hot, throbbing, and wet.